Our Story

Our timeline / Where it started
Pepe Saya Butter Co was started in 2009, with the dream of making a beautiful tasting
cultured butter in Australia. Made in a unique round pat with the iconic Pepe Saya head, the first rounds were sold at Carriageworks Farmers Markets in Sydney, November 2010.
2009 the birth of the Pepe Saya concept, design and product development
Nov 2010 our first wheel of butter was sold at Carriageworks Farmers Market in Eveleigh, Sydney
2011 we started expanding into retail stores and food service within New South Wales
2011 Pepe Saya went interstate across Australia
2011 we moved from our tiny factory in St Peter’s to a 400sqm factory in Tempe, Sydney
2012 our first butters went to the sky, with our hand cut butter portions in first class airlines
2013 this was the beginning of our iconic foil wrapped round butter portions of 15gm butter
2013 we started making ghee after learning how to make in using traditional techniques
2014 our 200L butter churn installed
2017 we explored France to research how the French communicate ‘FOOD’
2018 we became NASAA Organic Certified for our organic ghee and butter range
2018 Pepe Saya moved to 1200sqm factory in Caringbah
2019 we gained our Australian export licence – Pepe Saya was going international!
2019 our 2000L butter churn was installed
2019 the installation of our custom made vintage Kustner 15gm round butter portion machine
from France, affectionately known as ‘Bob’ to our team
2020 COVID survival mode and online strategies to the rescue
2020 launched Aussie Artisan Week to support and showcase local producers
2020 our first export of containers of buttersheets to Hong Kong
2020 the countries we exported to grew – USA, Singapore, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan,
UAE, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Maldives, Thailand
2020 our first advert on TV, radio and billboards
2021 the installation of our ghee Line
2022 Chunky Dave Peanut Butter joined the crew after Dave handed the reigns to us
2023 the Pepe Saya USA adventure began to expand...
What is coming next...?
2024 the first wheels of Pepe Saya will be made in Pennsylvania - churned by the Amish

Who are Mr and Mrs Pepe?
Pepe (Pierre) is a buttermaker. A lover of all things dairy and dedicated to changing the landscape of butter consumption across the world. All those who know him know that he lives and breathes butter.
Mrs Pepe (Melissa) is the butter half of Pepe Saya and our CEO. While Pepe is busy churning butter, Melissa keeps all the wheels in motion, while being a true chameleon - if she is needed anywhere, she is ready to roll up her sleeves.
Our focus at Pepe Saya has always been on getting chefs, bakers and retailers to support cultured artisan butter and supply it in their kitchens and on tables - aiming to set the benchmark for cultured butter.